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What is 5G ? and how does it work?

Wireless communication systems utilize radio frequencies (also called spectrum) to transmit information over the air.

5G is operated exactly the same way as 4G, however it utilizes higher frequencies, which are less crowded. This allows it to transmit greater amounts of information at a more rapid speed. These higher bands are known as millimeter waves (mmwaves). They were not previously used, however they have been made available to licensing by the regulators. They were largely unnoticed by the general public since the equipment needed to operate they required was difficult to access and costly.

Although higher bands are quicker in carrying information, there are issues with transmitting over large distances. They can be blocked by physical obstacles like trees and structures. To overcome this issue, 5G will utilise multiple input and output antennas to increase the signal strength and speed over the entire wireless networks.

The technology can also make use of smaller transmitters. They will be placed on street and building furniture, instead of having masts that stand alone. According to current estimates, 5G will be able support as much as 11,000 more units per meter than 4G.

5G technology can also slice an existing physical network into multiple virtual networks. Operators will be able to provide the appropriate slice of networkbased on the way it is utilized, and thus improve the management of their networks. For instance that an operator would be able to use different slice capacities according to the importance. For instance, a single user streaming video will utilize a different slice than the business, and simpler devices can be kept separate from more complicated and complex applications, such as driving autonomous cars.

There are plans to let businesses rent their own separate and protected network slice to be able to distinguish them from competing Internet traffic.

Who Invented the Fifth Generation Network?

The first country to implement in a massive way is South Korea, in April 2019, when there were 224 companies across 88 countries in the globe who had invested on the new technology.

The country of South Korea, all the 5G operators employed Samsung, Ericsson and Nokia base stations as well as equipment, with the exception of one using Huawei equipment. Of the three companies, Samsung was the largest one, shipping 53,000 base stations, out of the total of 86,000 base stations that were installed across the country at the time.

Nine companies are in the market selling 5G radio systems and equipment for mobile operators. These are Altiostar, Cisco Systems, Datang Telecom, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, Qualcomm, Samsung and ZTE.

What’s the advantage over 5G Network? 5G Network over the 4G Network?

You might be wondering what’s so unique about it?

The main benefit that 5G network networks have over 4G has to do with the speeds of their connections. But there are benefits associated with lower latency, which means faster responses as well as speedy download speeds. This can lead to a wide range of possibilities for applications in the industry because of the improved efficiency in operations.

The applications that 5G can offer are superfast broadband that does not requirement for landlines mobile telecommunications in 5G, the development of intelligent factories, the development of holographic technology TVs, remote healthcare and driverless cars that have 5G connectivity as well as car-to car communication.

A lot of these technological advancements will be made possible by lower latency, which allows 5G technology to react quicker to commands. Latency refers to the delay between the time a command is issued and the response that is received. 3G is able to handle 65 milliseconds of delay, while advanced 4G operates at approximately 40 milliseconds latency, whereas fixed broadband is a slow speed of between 10 and 20 milliseconds. For comparison, 5G is expected to run with just 1 millisecond of latency allowing mission-critical Internet-of-Things apps to function under the limit of 4 milliseconds required for an enhanced mobile broadband.

It will also boast an increased capacity than prior network technology. It will have access to a wider range of frequencies which means that networks are able to handle more demanding applications at the same time. This implies that they can provide a fiber-like experience for fixed wireless services and allow those living located in areas that are difficult to reach to benefit from an extremely high-quality broadband.

As previously mentioned the major selling point of 5G is its speed. Some claim that the speeds will eventually surpass 10Gps.

The initial speeds are expected to be slower initially, with EE boasting speeds of more than 1Gps. That is on average 100 and 150 Mbps faster than 4G speeds. This should be around 130-240 in all. In addition the Three network boasts high speeds of more than 2Gps as they roll out 5G.

However, there are other real things to take into consideration, like your distance to an actual base station or the amount of people connected to the network simultaneously. In these conditions, the experience data speed for downloads is expected to be at least 100Mbps, which is more than what you can get with 4G.

How Much Faster is 5G Compared to 4G and 3G?

If 5G is able to achieve the predicted rates of information speed, which are 10 Gps it could be 100 times more efficient than 4G standard. It is also thirty times more efficient than the latest 4G standards, such as LTE-A. Even using more cautious estimates, it is likely to beat both 3G and 4G.

3G has an average download speed of 8Mbps, and up to 384Kbps. 4G comes with the 32.5MBps standard download speed, and up to 100Mbps. 4G+ boasts an average of 42Mbps, and a maximum rate of 300Mbps. 5G, in contrast it has an average download speed of 130-240Mbps , and an theoretical maximum of 1-10Gbps.

It means, for instance that it will take about 4 to 40 seconds for download a complete HD movie using 5G when compared to over seven minutes with 4G and more than 3 hours on 3G.

Will 5G Replace 4G? When?

5G will not replace 4G in the near future. There are estimates that it will take years before 4G completely disappears.

This is especially applicable in rural areas in which the costs of deployment can be very expensive and the requirement for low latency isn’t as crucial.

When is the Actual Rollout for 5G Networks Expected?

5G’s initial launch will be dependent on the existing 4G LTE network. The rollouts are anticipated to occur in the most populated areas first.

For instance in The UK could see 5G rolling out across 26 cities between 2019 and 2020. London, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast are set to be among the first cities to be prepared for this latest technology.

Will 5G Technology Mean Buying New Equipment?

With regards to mobile phones, there will eventually be an need upgrading to a 5G smartphone. If you don’t have one of the ones available out there like five-G LG V50 THINQ as well as Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 smartphones. Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G phones.

But, with more devices expected to be available in the coming twelve months, and the time to allow a complete launch in the next 12 months, there’s no need to upgrade your phone right now.

Is the World Ready for 5G?

Although 5G services have begun to be introduced in some countries, including those in the US in the US and South Korea, this is only in a limited manner with limited coverage currently. While in the UK, 5G is still in the early stages of development. However, the rollout is expected to continue until 2020, and more locations being planned for.

At the moment the world isn’t fully prepared, but efforts are being taken to promote the technology.

How will 5G change everything?

5G will revolutionize many different industries, services, and products. While it will provide improvements in performance for mobile technology (as already mentioned) but there are numerous different applications likely to affect.

Fixed wireless access will provide an advantage for both home and business usage as this fifth-generation network is expected to provide internet connectivity that rivals fiber broadband, removing the requirement for a landline, and providing better online connectivity to difficult-to-access regions.

The company will also offer numerous Remote applications. Some tests taking place already together with the NHS to monitor remote changes in a patient’s health. Remote functionality has also been used to let LG and Doosan remote control an excavator in another continent.

The 5G technology is being tested using Artificial Intelligence and Holographic technology as well as being tested to be the first-ever 5G television. Other entertainment-related uses include the deployment of the new networks to provide coverage at festivals and sporting events.

Transport is also expected to change, with the development of connected cars as well as the emergence of autonomous transport (you are able to learn more about 5G as well as transport in the following article).

Other groundbreaking uses of 5G technology include the creation in super-smart factories that will ensure better security, better manufacturing processes, and cost savings for both the manufacturer and the consumer (you can learn the details on 5G as well as smart factories in the following article).

These are only some illustrations of ways 5G may alter everything from our daily lives transportation, entertainment and transport to manufacturing and business.

What will the future of 5G look like? Technology?

The primary and obvious advantage is that it’s more efficient and reliable than 3G or 4G. It also means that you’ll be capable of downloading a movie using your home broadband 5G in just a few seconds and stream a film in 4K without buffering, there will an increase in the quality of virtual and augmented reality apps. Because of 5G’s capability and low latency the latest processing capabilities will be able to be managed remotely instead of relying on mobile phones and headsets to handle local processing.

The increased capacity will allow the growth of Internet of Things devices, which include cars, lights, refrigerators as well as advertising signs capable of communicating with each other. Although Internet of Things devices are being used in the marketplace and 5G is expected to increase their speed as well as capacity of nearly every device will be connected and “smart.’

Although these are advancements over existing technology however, they could also facilitate the development of entirely new markets, like autonomous vehicles. The decreased latency provided by 5G means the vehicles can connect to one another as well as the Internet without delays.

Autonomous cars aren’t the only tech that can crucially benefit from 5G, as remote surgery will be also possible thanks to doctors being capable of controlling medical robots to carry out procedures at any time around the globe.

As mentioned previously there’s been a successful test of an excavator that was controlled across the globe, but 5G will likely to change the industry landscape with the capability to control and monitor drones, robots, and entire factories in real-time, and with a higher degree of connectivity.

How is 5G Going to Help in Transport?

Although it is true that the Internet of Things is already being utilized in a variety of applications, it’s specifically in the field of transportation in which it is likely to make the most impact when paired with the new network.

There will definitely be applications for aerospace for example, a more efficient sharing of information between owners and managing the ancillary systems of aircraft, improving the safety of maintenance and safety operations taking care of data in close real-time and of course, offering better services for entertainment in the cockpit and WiFi for passengers, as well as collecting information about passengers in order to enhance customer experience.

But it is in the automotive sector that 5G may be an actual game changer with the rise of the autonomous and connected car. It is not to be confused with autonomous vehicles connected cars are one that has Internet connectivity and, in most cases, the use of a wireless local area networks. The connected car has been operational for a long time and has electronic systems in place to help drivers via ABS as well as power steering as well as control functions like the light or windscreen wipers as well as to manage entertainment and communication systems. Recently, the latest technology for driver assistance, like adaptive cruise control, parking assistance as well as car monitoring, navigation telematics and hands-free calls have been introduced.

All of these systems need the capability to communicate with one another in real-time and modern high-end vehicles already able to exchange thousands of signals using about 70 control systems. These networks come with varying transmission speeds based on the criticality of the information, for such as airbag deployment is more crucial than air conditioning inside a vehicle in the event of an accident.

The data generated by these systems can be used to provide services such as predictive maintenance of vehicles as well as fleet management and tracking, which helps manufacturers enhance their products.

In-vehicle connectivity is just one part of the equation as the next generation of communications will allow vehicle-to-vehicle communication. It will allow vehicles to communicate with one another and exchange information about speed and location , so that drivers are more aware of what’s going on around them and adjust their driving accordingly.

Additionally the vehicles can be connected to everything in their surroundings including other vehicles, infrastructure for roads like traffic lights, and even the roads themselves. This information could allow traffic lights to adjust to traffic flow, reducing congestion. In addition, roads that are needing repairs could be recognized and this technology could eventually bring completely autonomous cars. The connectivity of roads can aid in monitoring traffic flow and issue alerts to potential problems, like roadside debris.

Although there are issues with security and cost, a the network connectivity between vehicles as well as roads would enable huge amounts of data to be exchanged in real-time to make fully autonomous transportation possible.

5G and Smart Factories

A white paper published by HMS Labs, has concluded that 5G can revolutionize the production process in factories. The technology will result in more secure and efficient manufacturing systems that have greater flexibility.

The new model of smart factories will allow for greater automation. This won’t only reduce costs but also enhance the quality of products because it eliminates the chance for human errors. These factories will provide flexible products that can satisfy demand efficiently, quickly and at a reasonable cost. The white paper states that all this can be achieved through the reliability, scalability , and efficiency offered by 5G.

5G will enable the automation of material handling, logistics and factory automation through wireless technology and machine-tomachine communication. This, in conjunction with the enhanced automation provided by 5G, could let everything from deliveries of material to production, warehouse storage and distribution of the finished product to be monitored and controlled remotely. But there are some limitations to this. Not all applications in factories will be benefited in this way, as HMS’ white paper explains, “The only area not suitable for 5G within industrial production is motion control with sub-millisecond cycle time requirements.”

Benefits for Business

While the benefits for consumers of more reliable, faster connections and less latency are obvious 5G is also expected to bring real benefits for businesses.

5G will provide better remote working options for employees, thereby cutting down time and becoming more efficient as there is less travel required.

Network slicing also allows businesses to set up their own network that is customized to meet their particular requirements and speed, and the enhanced performance and speed will also have a an positive impact on the efficiency of operations and, consequently, productivity.

Communities in rural areas will be more connected, which will create greater opportunities for businesses operating in these areas.

5G is also likely to create new possibilities for industries and products which aren’t feasible without 4G. Qualcomm saying that 5G could create 22 million jobs as well as manufacturing of PS8.5 trillion worth of items and services in 2035. These estimates are supported by Barclays Corporate Banking who believe that 5G will bring PS15.7 billion each year in the UK economy in 2025. But, these are only estimations at the moment since it’s impossible to determine exactly how this groundbreaking new technology will be utilized to develop applications and services which aren’t in existence currently.

In addition to the new technology 5G will also provide lots of productivity benefits. O2’s March 2018 report O2 estimates that 5G will give users in the UK with PS6 billion in productivity savings annually as well as consumers saving PS450 annually through the decrease in food costs or council fees and even fuel prices due to intelligent products as well as smart grids, autonomous vehicles.

In addition, the use of smart lighting and bins is expected to save local authorities PS2.8 billion annually and the NHS could be able to see 1.1 million hours of GP time released because of 5G-enabled remote health services.

Although 5G isn’t yet ready to be used across the globe, efforts are being taken to ensure that it becomes a reality. When the technology is implemented, it will be obvious that it could drastically alter the way we do business and live our lives.

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